School News

Grade 10 Literacy & Numeracy Assessments: January 25th-29th

All grade 10 students must write the Numeracy 10 Assessment and the Literacy 10 Assessment as part of the BC Ministry of Education Graduation Program.

Grade 10 students at Alpha Secondary have been registered to write these two assessments in their morning class during the week of January 25-29. Students can find out the exact date they are scheduled to write these two assessments by checking the information page posted outside of the Learning Commons, Student Services, or by speaking to their morning (P3) teacher.

Please note that for the Numeracy Assessment students must bring a dark pen or dark HB pencil, an eraser/white-out, and a calculator. You will also need your PEN number. Cell phones / smart watches must be left in students’ bags.

More information on the Assessments can be found through these links:

Literacy Assessment:

Numeracy Assessment:

Please contact your counsellor or come by the office to speak with Mr Paré if you have any questions.