
Career Education Program Information Session – January 23, 2019

Believe it or not we have now reached the time where we start thinking about course registration for the next school year!

Are you, or you child interested in finding out more about program options and careers in: New Information Technologies, the Gaming Development Industry, Post-secondary Health Sciences, the Digital Arts, Robotics, Trades, or Service Industries?

In this time of rapid technological change course and program opportunities in Burnaby Schools are also changing for our students. To this end, these programs help develop a student’s ability to gain new knowledge, which has become more valuable than the knowledge itself.

Burnaby Schools Career Education Programming provides a wide range of opportunities for students in grades 8 through 12 to build the new knowledge and skills that can lead to industry certification, apprenticeship, and the development of a portfolio. These options can offer post-secondary credits and/or support application to post-secondary programs, or lead to employment.

Come meet our program teachers, industry employers and the post-secondary community on Wednesday, January 23 and learn more about technical and professional careers and the educational pathways that will lead to successful careers in these industries!

Please click here for a list of our program offerings.
We hope to see you at 6:30 pm on January 23rd at Burnaby Central.