
Parent Teacher Conference

This year’s Parent-Teacher Conference Evening is on Wednesday, October 17, 2018. The online booking system can be accessed at http://alpha.schoolappointments.com. Please note that you will not be able to start booking appointments until Monday, October 1st at 9:00 a.m. The system will remain open for booking appointments until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, October 12, 2018. If you are unable to book an appointment during this time, please contact the teacher directly to make alternate arrangements. Please do not call the school for a list of your child’s teachers. You can access this information by using your MyEducation account or by checking with your child.

Please note that accounts were not carried forward from last year. Everyone will need to “register” to create an account. Please click here for simplified instructions on how to use the SchoolAppointments database, or here for more detailed/step-by-step instructions.

If a teacher’s schedule is full and you would like to meet with them, please contact him/her directly via email, using the format firstname.lastname@burnabyschools.ca. You can also use MyEducation to send an email to those teachers. For instructions on how to use this feature, please click the “Family Portal Instructions” link under the “Quick Links” section of our school website.

You may contact Jacqueline Duff at 604-296-6865 (extension 601006) or at jacqueline.duff@burnabyschools.ca if you are experiencing any difficulties booking appointments on-line.

Please note that to accommodate these interviews, we will have an early dismissal on October 17th and 18th. You can view the bell schedules here.