School News

Remembrance Day

Our VPA Department put forth a moving Remembrance Day presentation today for all of our staff and students. Below find art and pieces that were a part of our presentation.

SENIOR CONCERT BAND, Directed by Mr. de Sousa, Performing “Hymn To Loved Ones Lost” by Richard Saucedo and CONCERT CHOIR performing “We Remember” by Susan Lebarr.

DANCE COMPANY, directed by Ms. DeShield, Performing “Let It All Go” by BIRDY + RHODES.

DRAMA 9-12 CLASS, directed by Ms. McAllister, Performing “I Was Here” by Beyonce Knowles, written 20 years ago for 9/11. The piece examines a soldier reflecting upon the moments that they sacrifice and often miss while fighting for our freedoms, while their absence is felt deeply at home as well.

And, a Poppy extravaganza of pieces, celebrating that it is Canda’s 100th year wearing the poppy. The pieces are from Ms. Lawrence’s Drawing and Painting Visual Arts Classes.

If you can support our veterans, donations to our Poppy Fund can be made on School Cash Online today.