In grades K – 9, the math curriculum provides students with the opportunities to observe, learn and engage in mathematical thinking. Students will develop mathematical values and habits of mind, which go beyond numbers and symbols. These habits of mind help connect, create, communicate, reason, and solve problems.
In the Graduation Program (gr.10 – 12) there are three Math Pathways. The goals of all three pathways are to provide prerequisite attitudes, knowledge, skills, rigor, and understandings for specific post-secondary programs or direct entry into the workforce. When choosing a pathway, students should consider their interests, both current and future. Students and parents are encouraged to research the admission requirements for post-secondary programs of study as they vary by institution and by year.
Students who are passionate about mathematics will be given enrichment opportunities both in and out of the classroom. In-class enrichment opportunities include extensions to current curricular topics, puzzle games that require logical reasoning, contest preparation and problems of the week. Out of class enrichment opportunities include Math Challengers and participation in a wide variety of Math Contests.
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skills identified for entry into some trades and for direct entry into the workforce.
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of theoretical calculus (typically the Arts and Humanities.) *Foundations Math is only available at the grade 11 and 12 level.
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of calculus such as Sciences, Engineering, and Commerce.
This is a year of consolidating basic mathematics skills; therefore, students must master all the learning outcomes. The course will provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills so that they will be successful in future mathematics courses. Topics include: percent, proportional reasoning, powers and roots, rational numbers, Pythagorean Theorem, surface area and volume, discrete linear relations, two step equations, basic probabilities and statistics, and financial literacy. Problem solving will be incorporated into lessons throughout the year. In addition, algebra will be introduced at this level.
This course introduces the topics that develop the framework for senior level courses in mathematics. The course will provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills so that they will be successful in future mathematics courses. Topics include: operations with rational numbers, exponents, polynomials, linear relations, multi-step one variable equations, spatial proportional reasoning, statistics in society, and financial literacy. Problem solving will be incorporated into lessons throughout the year.
This course will prepare students for entry to either of the Foundation of Mathematics pathway or Pre-Calculus pathway starting in grade 11. The course will provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills so that they will be successful in future mathematics courses. Topics include: powers with integral exponents, prime factorization, functions and relations, linear relations, arithmetic sequences, solving systems of linear equations, polynomials, right angled trigonometry, and financial literacy. Problem solving will be incorporated into lessons throughout the year.
This course provides students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills identified for entry into the majority of trades at post-secondary and for direct entry into the work force. The Workplace Math curriculum allows students to explore the logic of mathematics through real-life applications of math. Topics include: computational fluency, interpreting and constructing graphs, primary trigonometric rations, metric and imperial measurement and conversions, solving problems involving surface area and volume, angles, experimental probability, measures of central tendency, and financial literacy.
This course is available to all students who have completed Mathematics 10. This course will prepare students for entry to post-secondary programs which do not require Pre-Calculus (typically the arts, humanities or social sciences). The course will provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills so that they will be successful in future mathematics courses. Topics include: mathematical reasoning, relationships of angles, graphical representations of quadratic functions, graphical solutions to systems of equations, solving systems of linear inequalities, trigonometry, applications of probabilities and statistics, mathematics in research, and financial literacy.
This is the second course in the Pre-Calculus pathway that further develops the mathematical skills necessary for the study of Calculus. It is intended for students whose future program of study will include Calculus.
Topics include: real number system, powers with rational exponents, quadratic functions and equations, operations with rational and radical expressions, solving quadratic, rational and radical equations, polynomial factoring, linear and quadratic inequalities, trigonometry, and financial literacy.
Workplace Math 11 continues to develop the mathematical skills necessary for employment in the trades and general workplace. This curriculum allows students to explore the logic of mathematics through real-life applications of math. Topics include: computational fluency (through puzzles and games), statistics, 3D objects, linear relationships, slope as a rate of change, and financial literacy.
*Note: Students who successfully complete any of the ABOVE Math 11 courses have fulfilled their requirements for graduation.
This course is a senior level elective math course geared toward students who interested in learning about how mathematics has evolved over the centuries and how the global language of math is used to better understand the world. The course will examine how societal needs have influenced the development of mathematics and explore how tools and technology have been catalysts for this development. Topics include: number & number systems, patterns & algebra, geometry, probabilities & statistics, tools & technology and cryptography.
This is the third course of the Foundations pathway that further develops the mathematical skills necessary for post-secondary studies in areas that do not require the study of Calculus. In Foundations of Mathematics 12 students will explore topics such as: logical reasoning, probability and its application, permutations, combinations, functions (polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and sinusoidal), and geometry and spatial relationships.
This course builds on skills learning in Pre-Calculus 11 and further develops the mathematical skills necessary for the study of Calculus. Pre-calculus 12 is necessary to enter most post-secondary Science, Business and Engineering programs, with many requiring or recommending Calculus 12 as well. Topics include: trigonometry, transformations, exponential and logarithmic functions, rational functions and polynomials.
This is the optional third course in the Workplace pathway. Apprenticeship Mathematics 12 is not a graduation requirement. This course continues to develop the mathematical skills necessary for employment in the trades and general workplace. This curriculum allows students to explore the logic of mathematics through real-life applications of math. Topics include: measurement, similar triangles including right angle trigonometry, 2D and 3D shapes and their measurements, isometric and orthographic projection, mathematics in the workplace and financial literacy.
Calculus 12 will introduce the student to the fundamentals of differentiation and integration along with applications. Topics include: graphing, maxima and minima, related rates, areas, volumes and exponential functions. This course is an excellent introduction to university level Calculus. Students interested in post-secondary studies in Math, Business, Science, or Engineering should consider Calculus in preparation for post-secondary studies in these areas.
* Calculus 12 may not be taken in place of Pre-Calculus 12.
AP Calculus is a university level calculus course. This course is intended for students who have completed Pre-Calculus 12. The three big ideas for the course are: Limits, Differentiation, Integration and their applications. The pre-requisites for this course are Pre-Calculus 11 and 12.
Students will cover similar topics to those taught in Calculus 12 but is taught at a faster pace than Calculus 12 due to the AP exam. It is expected that all students enrolled in the course will write the AP exam held in May for potential first-year university credit. Students not intending to write the exam should enroll in Calculus 12.
*AP Calculus 12 may not be taken in place of Pre-Calculus 12.
In colleges and universities, many students take a statistics course. Courses like AP. Statistics are required for study in such fields as business, the social sciences, and health sciences. Knowledge of statistics is required for students intending to do research. AP Statistics introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data.
AP Statistics 12 is open to Grade 11 and 12 students. Students will learn to examine raw data, graphs, charts, rates, percentages, probabilities, averages, forecasts, and trend liens to see if a true experiment was conducted. The AP exam is written in May for potential first-year university credit.