The Physical and Health Education (PHE) curriculum aims to empower students to develop a personalized understanding of what healthy living means to them as individuals and members of society in the 21st century.
This course will introduce students to a wide variety of physical activity opportunities. Our focus will be on building physical literacy, participating in health and active living activities, and learning about balance in health through engaging in mental well-being and social/community health lessons. Students will also participate in field experience throughout our local community and have guest instructors visit Alpha Secondary to further student learning of alternate environment activities. Common field experience and guest instructor experiences may include skating, yoga, bootcamp, self-defense, trail hiking, Tabata, Jiujitsu, cardio kickboxing, Zumba, HIIT, Indigenous dance, and contemporary dance. In addition to their engagement in daily physical activity through sport and fitness lessons, students will be introduced to health units that promote healthy eating choices, teach strategies to help students avoid unsafe situations, explore mental health, and focus on healthy relationships.
The course is a continuation and progression of Physical and Health Education (PHE) 8 with more attention given to healthy relationships and an extension to our nutrition unit. Students will have discussions about strategies to maintain their mental health and how engaging in physical activity, in conjunction with healthy diet and stress management benefit their mental well-being. In addition, students are provided further opportunities to participate in alternate activities with a week-long focus on self-defense through traditional Kung-Fu. Students will be introduced to the principles of training through weight room lessons. Common field experience and guest instructor experiences will continue and may include skating, yoga, bootcamp, self-defense, trail hiking, Tabata, Jiujitsu, cardio kickboxing, Zumba, HIIT, Indigenous dance, and contemporary dance. This course will continue to build on fundamental movement skills completed in the physical literacy section of PHE and further enhance health and active living through fitness-based activities and self-reflection.
The Physical and Health Education (PHE) 10 course builds upon Physical and Health Education (PHE) 9, enabling students to explore alternate activities, yet still developing their physical literacy through the engagement in sport and fitness-based activities. PHE 10 continues its extension of health components and puts an emphasis on healthy relationships. In addition, students will have discussions about making positive healthy living choices through active health units. In this course, students will be given the opportunity to explore additional physical activities available in their neighbourhood such as such golf and have the chance to become certified in a CPR/First Aid certification course lead by Burnaby Firefighters. Common field experience and guest instructor experiences will continue and may include skating, yoga, bootcamp, self-defense, trail hiking, Tabata, Jiujitsu, cardio kickboxing, Zumba, HIIT, hip hop dance, and contemporary dance. Students will build on their prior experience in the weight room and use the principles of training to make a weight training routine that fits their fitness goals.
The Physical and Health Education (PHE) 10: Health and Lifestyle course is an option for students who are looking for a PHE 10 class that is not sport driven. This course focuses on the healthy and active living and mental well-being aspects of PHE 10. This course does not have a gym assigned to it; it will operate from the dance room and weight room. Students will participate in the same field trips and guest experiences as PHE 10, however, this program is focused on personal fitness and wellness. Foci will include yoga, Pilates, body weight exercises, weight training, dance, hiking, and meditation. Like regular PHE 10, students will participate in golf and become certified CPR/First Aid. Common field experience and guest instructor experiences will continue and may include skating, bootcamp, Tabata, cardio kickboxing, Zumba, HIIT, and hip-hop dance. PHE 10: Health and Lifestyle continues its extension of health components such as healthy relationships and positive healthy living choices through active health units.
PHE 10: COMMUNITY (off Timetable)
The Physical and Health Education (PHE) 10: Community course is an option for students who are looking for a PHE 10 class that is not sport driven, is flexible and focuses primarily on off campus activities. This course focuses on linking the student to community facilities. This course does not have a gym assigned to it; it will often take place off Alpha campus in local community areas. Students and their parent(s) and guardian(s) need to have a way to organize/provide their own transportation to classes that often occur in the community. This class is one that may take place outside of class time hours; students need to have flexibility to attend classes that occur before and after school. Students will participate in the same field trips and guest experiences as PHE 10 plus more. Students may engage in swimming/aquafit, yoga, Pilates, Crossfit, community centre activities, weight training, and hiking. School sessions will focus on mental health lessons, meditation, personalized fitness programs and dance. Like regular PHE 10, students will participate in golf and become certified CPR/First Aid. Common field experience and guest instructor experiences will continue and may include skating, cardio kickboxing, Zumba, and hip-hop dance. PHE 10: Community continues its extension of health components such as healthy relationships and positive healthy living choices through active health units.
Active Living 11/12 progresses from the Physical and Health Education (PHE) 10 program and offers students the chance to participate in a wider variety of sporting and recreational activities. The senior PHE program combines aspects of the junior program with an increasing focus on lifelong recreational pursuits. In Active Living 11/12, the main foci are health and well-being, safely and actively participating in PHE lessons, and leadership. This course is a good choice for those who enjoy putting in a high level of participation in individual and team sports, recreational and/or competitive activities, and fitness activities. Field trips in this course may be extended to include bubble soccer, bowling, snowshoeing, kayaking/paddle boarding, boxing, laser tagging, and indoor/beach archery. Common field experience and guest instructor experiences will continue and may include skating, yoga, bootcamp, self-defense, trail hiking, Tabata, Jiujitsu, cardio kickboxing, and HIIT. Students are provided with leadership opportunities throughout this course such as planning and running an activity, visiting a junior PHE class to lead activities or, with approval, visit a local elementary school to run organized activities/games with elementary students. This course emphasizes healthy lifestyles and teaches students to stay active after they graduate from Alpha Secondary.
This course progresses from the Physical and Health Education (PHE) 10 program and offers students the chance to participate in a focused weight training program for the duration of the semester in a supervised and guided environment. The focus of Fitness and Conditioning 11/12 is healthy and active living, principles of training, human anatomy and physiology, and social responsibility. This course is a good choice for students wanting to learn how to train and improve their physical fitness levels including muscular strength/endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, speed, balance, power, and agility. Most of the course will take place in the weight room with periodic classroom sessions covering several topics that include physiology of exercise, nutrition, performance supplements, goal setting (FITT principle) and the basics of individual program design. Students will learn the basics of the different types of training equipment, weight room etiquette, training techniques and safety in the weight room. This course will emphasize students to maintain the importance of personal fitness when they graduate from Alpha Secondary.
The Active Living 11/12: Health and Lifestyle course is an option for students who are looking for an Active Living 11/12 class that is not sport driven. This course focuses on the health and well-being aspects of Active Living 11/12. This course does not have a gym assigned to it; it will operate from the dance room and weight room. Foci will include yoga, Pilates, body weight exercises, weight training, bootcamp/HIIT, dance, hiking,
and meditation. Like regular Active Living 11/12, students will engage in field trips and guest experiences which may include skating, hip-hop dance, yoga studios, spinning, and swimming/aquafit. Students are provided with leadership opportunities throughout this course such as planning and running an activity, visiting a junior PHE class to lead activities or, with approval, visit a local elementary school to run organized activities/games with elementary students. This course emphasizes healthy lifestyles and teaches students to stay active after they graduate from Alpha Secondary.
The Active Living 11/12: Community course is an option for students who are looking for an Active Living 11/12 class that is not sport driven, is flexible and focuses primarily on off campus activities. This course focuses heavily on linking the student to community facilities. This course does not have a gym assigned to it; it will often take place off Alpha campus in local community areas. Students and their parent(s) and guardian(s) need to have a way to organize/provide their own transportation to classes that often occur in the community. This class is one that may take place outside of class time hours; students need to have flexibility to attend classes that occur before and after school. Students may engage in swimming/aquafit, yoga, Pilates, Crossfit, community centre activities, skating, weight training, bootcamp/HIIT, cardiokickboxing, Tabata, and hiking. School sessions will focus on mental health lessons, meditation, personalized fitness programs and dance. Students are provided with leadership opportunities throughout this course such as planning and running an activity, visiting a junior PHE class to lead activities or, with approval, visit a local elementary school to run organized activities/games with elementary students. This course emphasizes healthy lifestyles and teaches students to stay active after they graduate from Alpha Secondary.
This course involves participation in outdoor activities and explores outdoor safety and emergency preparedness. Students will explore environmental stewardship for outdoor activities and learn about the responsible use of outdoor environments. Students will participate in water-based, snow-based and land-based activities in varied terrain and changing weather conditions. These activities may include stand-up paddle boarding, kayaking, rock climbing, hiking, snow shoeing, skiing and camping. In addition, students will explore traditional Indigenous practices and ecological knowledge related to activities in the local environment. Important Note: Students will be expected to travel in groups to locations outside of school and may be dismissed at 3pm from these locations.