Welcome back! The first day of Semester 2 classes is Monday, January 30, 2023. Please note that in Semester 2, the AM classes are PERIODS 5 and 6, and the PM classes are PERIODS 7 and 8.
Schedules in MyEd BC
Please note that students MUST log in to MyEducation and access their class schedule prior to coming to school on Monday, January 30th. We recommend students take a picture of their schedule to keep on their phone for their reference.
Instructions on how to access this account were emailed to families. Please note that the parent view on MyEducation does NOT provide complete information on your child’s timetable, so it is essential that your child logs into their own account to access this information.
First Week of Classes
Flex Time will begin on Friday, February 3, 2023, within students’ Period 5 classes. All students must report to Period 5 at 8:40 am every day for the first week.
Flex Time and the Regular Bell Schedule
Flex Time and the regular bell schedule will begin on Monday, February 6. Please remind students that they are expected to be in a supervised learning space (classroom, gym, Library Learning Commons, Connect Room) if they are on campus during Flex Time.
Semester One Report Cards
Semester One Report Cards will be posted in MyEd by 3:00 pm on Friday, February 3rd. An email will be sent to all families on February 3rd once they are posted. Please contact your child(ren)’s teacher if you have any questions about their report card.