Recent News

Return of Collab Wednesdays

Collaboration Wednesdays begin Oct 24th.

They run for 6 consecutive Wednesdays, the time is 8:40 am to 9:40 am.

Attendance for Grades 8,9,and 10’s plus the Leadership, Mentors and Student Gov’t students are mandatory (the only exception will be when Grade 11’s need to do their CLC11 course).

For Wed Oct 24th:
Grade 8 and 9’s—Jesse Miller will be here to present “Digital Citizenship”. Meet in your Collab room
for attendance. Then go to the Large gym.
Grade 10’s—- Wendel Williams will present to you. Meet in your Collab room for attendance and then
go off to the Small Gym.

All Collab groupings are posted on the glass window in the Office area.